Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Whenever i straighten my hair it goes curly in the middle of the day?

alsoo, i would like to where my hair curly some days and reallly super straight other days. my hair is naturally curly. i dont wanna use mousse but is there something that will make my hair look gorgousely curly? also when i straighten my hair it turns curly in the day and i have to put it up? i do use different productss but they donnt work. i like to take showers at night if i am straightening my hair but i will take showers in the morning if i wear it curly. sorryyyyy its so longgg but please help me!!

Whenever i straighten my hair it goes curly in the middle of the day?

I have the same exact problem, and have been on a neverending mission for years to do exactly what you want to do. I think I have found it.

For curly days:

Start with Sunsilk De-frizz shampoo, its new. Its the green bottle. They also have a leave in conditioner which is also a gel. I know you don't want to use a product, but honestly you aren't going to get the look without it. I like this stuff because it doesn't make your hair feel gross. Its soft and manageable. Finish with Garnier fructise sleek and shine serum. Do all of this while your hair is still damp. Then you can either let it air dry or use a difuser on your dryer. No brushing! Use your fingers or a pick, but don't pull on the curls.

For the straight days:

Use Redkin smooth down heat glide and a flat iron. I suggest using a ceramic one because these tend to not damage the hair as bad. Blow dry with a straight brush to remove most of the moisture if you have a wet to set, or completely dry if not. Straighten in small sections paying attention to the roots. After all of the hair is done, again use the Garnier serum to touch it up and make it shiny. The key is to pay attention to the root and if you have really thick hair the underside because that is what will curl up first. Hope this helps.

Whenever i straighten my hair it goes curly in the middle of the day?

for curly days use color seal its a pink liquid works for curly hair so it wont be frizzy use it when out of the shower Report It

Whenever i straighten my hair it goes curly in the middle of the day?

shave it off

Whenever i straighten my hair it goes curly in the middle of the day?

that's because of the moisture in the air

Whenever i straighten my hair it goes curly in the middle of the day?

my hair is the same way, i would like to know some ideas to help my hair look nicer and more presentable

Whenever i straighten my hair it goes curly in the middle of the day?

humidity sucks for straightened curly hair doesn't it. John Frieda has a great serum for curly hair you can buy at walmart. Put it on wet for curly hair and blowdry with it for straight hair. I love it.

Whenever i straighten my hair it goes curly in the middle of the day?

Bed Head has great products just for this... check them out, Target carries some but most salons also have them

Whenever i straighten my hair it goes curly in the middle of the day?

umm maybe getting better hair products like a starightener or hot curlers might work. But then again I'm no hair specialist. My hair is naturally curly too and what i do is blow dry it striaght with a round brush works great!good luck

Whenever i straighten my hair it goes curly in the middle of the day?

my hair is abit like that, to make it straight i...

wash it at night and get some good straightners like ghd and do it at night, then in the morning and put some v05 straight and smooth heat defence taming spray that works like a charm!

to curl...i used redken water wax stuff, i scrunch it at night after showering, put alittle bit in, then in the mornings, i dampen my hair abit and put alittle bit in *it doesnt got hard like mousse but glossy curls* a blow dry it a little and i mean a little!

hope all goes well!:)

Whenever i straighten my hair it goes curly in the middle of the day?

you could use some shampoos that are specially made for curly would make it more bouncier and more lucious.

for straightening.. you could use a straightening serum

Whenever i straighten my hair it goes curly in the middle of the day?

a flat irom along with the John Frieda products

Whenever i straighten my hair it goes curly in the middle of the day?

try using a serem it works o.n my hair when i straighten it and it is also good if i want to have it curly, it gives the curls a lovly natural look about them

Whenever i straighten my hair it goes curly in the middle of the day?

There is a product by matrix called straight talk.. Its a spray that you spray on before you staighten each section and it loks out moisture!! It really works..

Whenever i straighten my hair it goes curly in the middle of the day?

I have thick curly hair, i understand the problem. If your straightening it you must use a very hot blow dryer. Bio silk hair serum a dime size amount it what i use and i have very long hair. Use a ceramic round brush and make sure it is absolutely dry before going anywhere. If you want on humid sticky days use a ceramic hair straightener but u must use olive oil for hair as to not damage it. I would blow out and night and freshen with a flat iron in morning.

If your going curly, i definitely suggest tresme mousse, however if your that opposed to mousse, you can use bio silk rub it on ends and use vavoom hair glaze only a small amount so you don't get sticky but shiny control able curls. Just remember none of this will work if it damp rainy or extremely humid out, put on a cute baseball cap, and go.

Whenever i straighten my hair it goes curly in the middle of the day?

-Invest in a quality flat iron (such as a ceramic or jade iron). They are quite costly, however the outcome is worth it. Cheap irons (some claim to be ceramic but really are not) will tend to pull at your hair and really fry your ends.

-Use a straightening product to really enhance the straightness. I find that Beverly Hills Crazy Straight works wonders. After using it, my coarse hair is really soft and sleek.

-Don't blow dry your hair right away, let it air dry for awhile and then blow dry it. I find that this helps in keeping your hair soft.

-Finish with a shine serum such as TEX Shine Spray. It gives your hair a nice, glossy look.

Whenever i straighten my hair it goes curly in the middle of the day?

Use lots of conditioner and avoid shampoo with the sodium laureth sulfate and other similar detergents. Be gentle. Don't brush it dry and avoid those yucky silicone products.

I use a really light gel mixed half and half with aloe vera gel and maybe a touch of spray gel ( I like the stuff with glitter) on humid days.

Love your curls, don't abuse em! It may take a while of being gentle to your curls to make them look good, but it's worth it.

Whenever i straighten my hair it goes curly in the middle of the day?

This should help:

It seems that if we have straight hair, we want curly. If we have curly, we want it straight. Growing up in the seventies, we did everything we could to straighten our hair, even if it meant using the iron! Today, I am presenting you with an easier way to straighten your curls.

* Wash and condition hair.

* Blot dry. Hair should be almost dry when you begin.

* Gather up hair into several sections and secure or clip hair on top of your head. You will be drying the bottom layers first.

* Follow the brush (with your dryer) down the sections of hair as you straighten each section and be sure to keep the dryer moving.

* Take down a new section of hair and proceed as directed above.

* Work your way up the layers until all sections are dry and straightened.

* To curl the ends for a polished look, take your brush and pull the ends under. Finish your styling with a blast of cool air if your hairdryer has this capability.

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