Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Change from nappy hair to curly/spikey hair?

Is there anyway for me to get hair with movement? I was watching MTV today on NEXT I saw some african american guy with really loose hair, it was awesome! It was like.. kinda curly, but kinda spiked too, and it was shiny to give it that gel/spikey look, almost like a caucasian person, and it looked natrual, anyone know how I can get hair like this?

I have normal tigthly curled african american hair and I was wondering how i could make my hair curly, shiny, spikey and at the same time, natrual looking :)

remember it can be curly somewhat, doesn't have to be bone dry,

please name specific things/brands, thanks!

Change from nappy hair to curly/spikey hair?

listin to toni

i have a lot of mixed friends and they use pomade which is like a texturizer

bedhead has amazing texturizers that i use with my shag and it really does work!!!

u could also try ice or got2b

Change from nappy hair to curly/spikey hair?

get a picture, bring it to a salon and ask for it there

Change from nappy hair to curly/spikey hair?

My mom is a hair styler, so I know about these things, I don't know about a specific brand, but maybe you should try a texturelizer, my cousin got one, and it changed his hair alot!!--for the good!!

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